Aboot Eemis Stane

Eemis Stane wis stairtit at the tail end o 2021 for wan reason, and wan reason alane: tae bring thegither unner the yin banner the best o whit’s happenin in oor bonnie broukit bairn o a language – Scots.

Published digitally twa times a year, Eemis Stane furthsets poetry, fiction, essays and polemics in Scots o ony and ilka variety, frae ilka airt and pairt. The kind o Scots ye scrieve in is faur less important tae us than the thing ye’re yaisin it tae say.

We’re here tae mak siccar that awthin and onythin that’s gawin on in Scots scrievin richt noo, the excitin and the experimental, the established and the gemme-chyngin, has a place tae gang. Whether it’s wirkin aff oor auld traditions or blawin them aw tae bitties – if ye’re scrievin Scots that maitters tae yersel, ye’re scrievin Scots that maitters tae us.

Eemis Stane is absolutely no here tae tell onybody how tae scrieve in Scots. That’s no oor gemme. Ye’ll get nae spellin lessons aff o us. Whitever ye’re daein, whitever dialect ye’re daein it in – if it wirks for you, we’re aw ower it.

If ony o this soonds like your kind o deal, subscribe tae oor mailin list, get a swatch at oor back issues, or – maist importantly o aw – send us yer scrievin. Oor language needs ye.

Eemis Stane’s editorial team are Matthew Fitt, Thomas Clark, Ashley Douglas, Paul Malgrati and Sara Clark.