Wha We Are

Eemis Stane’s editorial board are aw aboot airtin oot and heezin up the best in new Scots scrievin. Find oot mair aboot oor board ablow.

Ashley Douglas

Ashley Douglas is a multi-leidit researcher, scriever and owersetter (Scots, English, Danish, German, Gaelic) forby an uphauder o Scots leid and LGBT richts.

Paul Malgrati

Paul Malgrati is a Franco-Scot poet and scholar.

Eilidh Douglas

Eilidh Douglas is a lawyer and braidcast media commentator. A gey frequent vyce anent Scots politics, current ongauns, law and LGBT richts, she kythes regular on BBC Scotland forby BBC Radio Scotland.

Sara Clark

Sara Clark’s dairkly comic novel “Summer’s Lease” won the McRenegades Best First Novel award in 2016. Her poetry collection “Echo and Narcissus”, scrieved in baith English an Scots, wis furthset by Evertype in 2021.

Matthew Fitt

Matthew Fitt is a Scots makar and dominie, scrievin SF and poetry.

Thomas Clark

Thomas Clark is a scriever, makar and owersetter wirkin mainly in the Scots leid.